Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chapters 17-18

1. After the snow storm, what does Bright Morning's clan learn about the other Navahos? How does this make them feel, or how would it make you feel if you were in their situation?

2. Why does Tall Boy return to the clan?

3. Bright Mornings father is optimistic (feels good) about the situation, her mother is pessimistic (feels bad) who do you think is right to feel the way they do? What reasons do you have for this opinion?

4. Who is Meadow Flower?

5. Describe the conditions suffered by the Navahos on the long march to Fort Sumner.

6. If you were Bright Morning, how would you feel about what happens to Meadow Flower?


Anonymous said...

1. They learn that the Navaho's are very nice people. It would me feel really bad.
2. He returns because one of the Spanairds threatened him to stop moving around or they would shoot him.
3. I feel the way the mother does because they lost everything in their life.
4. Meadow Flower is a baby that Bright Morning named after Little Rainbow gave her to Bright Morning.
5. There are a lot of old people so they suffered during the cold times.
6. I would feel terrible if that happened.

Anonymous said...

1.That They are on the move to. It would make me feel terrible like a wild animal.
2. I dont know he probably doesnt want to be tooken from his family.
I would come back.
3.the mother beause this could get alot worse.
4.the baby That bright has that dies. The daughter of little rainbow.
5.that the old die then the small children. And people are moved to gray feilds.
6.I would feel2 bad

LAUREN! :-) hi said...

1. Bright Morning's clan learns that hundreds of Navahos come to follow them in the walk to Fort Sumner. As they go, more clans come, like the Apaches, and they come into thousands. Then some die every night. I would feel horrible.

2. Tall Boy returns because tey was wandering around and met a Long Knife. Long Knife told him to go back to his clan or he'll shoot him.

3. I think her father is the right one, because he thinks of the better side, and when you look at the bad side, you get really crabby and mean. Then you don't look at the bright side. Say, "Oh my god, this glass of milk is half empty," -pessimistic- "It's half gone and I can't drink the same amount if I would drink a full glass!"
As if- "Hey! This glass of milk is half FULL," -optimistic- "I get to drink a glass of milk that is HALF FULL!"

*Tip- (or you could just go in the fridge...)

4. Meadow Flower is a little girl that Bright Morning is carrying every day as they go on to march voulenteered to carry her from Meadow's mother, and soon her mother left and Bright Morning took care of her.

5. The conditions were that they would die of exhaustion, and most of the elderly would die first. Also they had little to eat, and they would soon live off of flour.

6. I would be sad and a little afraid, because of course, it would be sad to have a little girl die. Second of all, I would be afraid to confront her mother with the truth.

Tristin said...

1.They learn they are very nice lie them and feel sorry there here too
2.He comes back because the Spainyards threaten his life
3.I think he feels that way because there still alive and i think she feels that way because they were taken from there homeland
4.A baby that Bright morning tries to take care of
5.They suffered horrible conditions the worst were the elderly because they couldn't walk very far without haveing to rest
6.I would feel sad because she dies and angry at the Spainyards for sending everyone here

Lupe said...

1.She learns that her clan and many of the Navahos have to live on a reserve. It would make me feel very mad and angery at the people who took me to this place.

2.Becuase if not, he would feel like a tradior leaving them in them time they most need him.

3.I think that they both can feel the reason they do, but i would rather be like the father and feel good instead of always feeling bad.

Its like an optimisitic persone would be like "Yes, the glass if half FULL!", but a pessimistic person would be like "NOOOOO THE GLASS IS HALF EMPTY, WHY ME, WHY ME!".
(And then a smart person would be like "I don't know about you but I'm just filing mine back to the rim")

4.Meadow flower is a little girl who Bright Morning offered to take from the mother to help her.

5.Many old peole suffered and died durring the cold season.

6.I woudl feel very sad.

LANA:-) Hi!! said...

1.They learn that the Nvajo are many and that they areamazingly kind to each other. It would make me feel terrible.
2.Tall Boy returns to the clan because he knows that his people need him. He was wandering and he came across a Long Knife. The Long Knife told him to go back to his clan, otherwise he would get shot.
3.I think her father is right. My reasons are becuase her father can see the bright side of things. If you look at the other side,it is almost positive that there is a bad side. A pessimistic person would say "OMG, I have tons of homework. I'll never get done!!!", whereas an optimist would say "I have more homework!!I can do this!!
4. Meadow Flower is a young baby girl that Bright Morning is carrying every day.
5. Their conditions were terrible!! they died of exhuastion, and they had very little food and soon ran out.
6. if i were Bright Morning,I would be sad. I would also be scared of telling her Mother the truth.

Lauren ☺☻☺☻ said...

This isn't really 17-18, but Mrs. Barnheart said I had to blog to you about the book....???? I don't know if I should tell about it or how I think of it...?? But, anyway, I think the book is really good so far. I hope it comes to a god ending. It is really suspensful and I like it!!!

P.S. Congrats ☺

Lana:-) Hello!! said...

I think thatthese two chapters(chapters 20-21)were really good. I THINK THAT THE BEST PARTS WERE...
When Tall Boy and Bright Morning get married. I think that the way that the wedding was set up,is very interesting. I also think it is strange, different, and kinda sorta cool. There are many ways they are different,and many ways they are the same. Some things that are the same, for example are: we get married, we have relatives come, we have food,and people gave and give, us advice. The things that are different, for more examples, are: they sat on blankets,with a bowl of corn gruel,and a jar of water nearby. They made crosses with corn pollen, over the gruel and then a circle around the cross. Then they dip water with the ladle in the water jar & poured it over each others' hands. then they ate pinches from each of the directions. Then they let eveyone else eat from the bowl. The way we do it now is very different. We say a bunch of words, then we kiss, then we dance together, people conratulates us and then we eat and leave. Also, we invite friends, family. I think that the way that we do it now is a lot better and a lot simpler. I mean, seriously, why go through all those steps and rules, just to get married? Of course, I say that, but I do have to admit one thing: their way was probably much quicker.