Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chapter 13-14

1. How would you describe the Navaho People and their way of life?

2. How would you feel if your country was taken over by powerful outsiders? Does this happen in the world today?

Answer the following questions about "courage" -- a Main Theme in the book:

1. What does courage mean to me? (3-5 sentences)

2. What is an example of courage? From your own life or something you heard about or read about.

3. How do you think Brigth Morning and her people have shown courage so far in the story?


Anonymous said...

1.I would discribe them as a very peaceful country, they both hunt and farm crops, and they to not fight unlessed attacked.

2.I would feel scared and very angery at the outher country. No, not to us, but to other countries.

1.To me courage means to not give in, to stand up for yourself and others, and to do what is right.

2.An example of courage is to tell an adult if your friend is doing something that is worng and he knows it, but does it anyways.

3.Bright Morning has shown courage by excaping the slavers village.

Anonymous said...

1. I would consider the Navajo people as peaceful. Their way of life as peaceful also. They do not want to fight. They also think that war is neccessary if they are attacked.
2. I would feel very sad and angry if my country was taken over by powerful outsiders. Yesthis happens in the world sometimes today.
3. courage means bravery to me. Courage means standing up for your rights to me. That you do not give up.
4. An exampleof courage is when Annissa stood up for me when a boy said that he hoped that I died. I have also read about how people show courage in books. For example, when Harry Potter shows courage in the seventh book.
5. seh and her people show courage by not fighting.

Anonymous said...

1.They are peaceful they are all farmers or ranchers.
2.I would be mad and scared. It doesnt really happen
1.It means you wont give up.
that you take risks. And you are a heroe.
2.That you stuck up for yourself and others.
.They havent given up.

Anonymous said...

1. I would describe the Navaho people as very laid back. They farm and grow crops.
2. I would be scared and angery at the same time. This doesn't happen in america but in other country's yes.
1. Courage means that you are brave. It means that you have guts. That you say what you wasnt to say.
2. An example would be to stick up for yourself.
3. Bright Morning and her people have shown courage by finding Bright Morning.

Anonymous said...

1. They are very smart and spiritual. They believe in very interesting things. And, how they live and dwell, also they are very cool how they survive.

2. I would really, really get so mad. I would probably actually fight back. Because it would be so.....MADDINING to have someone TAKE OVER MY LAND and BURN MY HOUSE DOWN!! This does happen in the world today--mostly outside of the U.S. but in Africa or India, people take over people's towns sometimes.
3. --o----o---o---o---o---o--o--

☺ Courage means to stand up and be brave at sometime you always don't want to. To stick up for somebody, face your fears, or to do something above and beyond;brave.

☺ One time, a 16 year old girl, a babysitter, was babysitting 4 children in the middle of the winter. Suddenly, the house was engulfed in flames, and she tried to get all the childern out of the house. (Ages 4-7) She thought they were following her out of the house, but only two did; and she went back in the burning house to get the other two. She had courage to go get them, because she riskled her life to save all 4 children. She suffered severe burns, and smoke inhalation. But everyone lived.

☺ Bright Morning and her people have shown courage by succesfully showing there people which way to go. Also, they took care of people, and took charge of everyone.

Anonymous said...

1. VEry peacefull only fighting when nesseary and very social
2.I would feel very sad that are domcrcy was taken over, Yes it sometimes happends
3.Courage is a feelinig that is simalar to bravery. It's what alose you to do things you can't normally do exapmle of courage would be like going down the big slide the first time at the water park
5.Bright Morning shown courage by convering with the Spainyards which was a bad idea