Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chapters 15-16

1. What is the first message from the lookouts? What does Bright Mornings father predict will happen?

2. How does the clan solve the problem of running out of water? When the food supply runs out, what does the clan do?

3. Describe what happened with Tall Boy and the lance. Do you think that he should have done this; give reasons?

4. As the villagers march through the canyon, why are their tears unshed? Have you ever been in a situation where you were sad and could not cry? Tell about it.


Anonymous said...

1.that they are on fire. They think they will leave.
2.They find a well for water.And then they leave to get food.
3. He wasnt very good he missed the spanish leader. He should have so he has a chance to save his village.
4. They were angry sad. No i never have.

Anonymous said...

1. There is a fire at the village. Bright Morning's father suspects the Spanairds.
2. They solve the problem by filling jars of water to drink. They found a berry tree and ate off of that.
3. Tall Boy is a very acurate shot with the lance. I don't think he should have done that incase he missed to Spanaird. Also if he missed then the Spanairds would know where they are hiding.
4. There are tears unshed becase they are holding it in. No I havn't been in a situation like that. I think that is strange that you can't cry when you need to.

Anonymous said...

1. The first message from the lookout is that the Long Knives were destroying their village-fire.....
The father thinks that they will leave after they burned down the huts.

2. The clan solves the problem with the water by sneaking down at night to refill the jars. Then, they catch a rain to drink. Also, they discover a crevice that will supply them with water for the rest of the summer. When the food supply runs out, they move farther into the canyon.

3. Tall Boy had thrown the lance at the leader of the Long Knives, and it had swereved and missed the leader. Then, it broke into two by the leader's horse's feet, making the horse act up. Tall Boy runs away for cover, and the Long Knives look for the one who threw the lance. Then, they discover the Navahos. I don't think he should of done this; they would maybe still be not captured if he didn't.

4. The villagers don't cry because they knew they were going to be captured. Yes, I have, and the reason is kind of wierd. i did live in a log cabin before I came to Ceresco. I grew up there, and the 46+ acre land, but now since I had moved, I really miss it. Sometimes I just think the memories I had there, but I do not cry because I know it is over with and I can't ever move there again. (Unless the lady that moved there dies or moves again) but I don't really wish for that. I'd have to wait until she's gone, or until I'm grown up.

Anonymous said...

1. The first message from the messengers is that there is a fire in the village. Bright Morning's father predicts that their houses would only be ashes.
2. They fill some clay jars with water. When the food supply runs out, they find a berry tree and eat off of that.
3. Tall Boy's lance splits down the middle after he throws it and it hits a tree. Then he ran away.
4. Their tears go unshed becuase they want to appear stronger than that. Yes, I have been through a situation like this. It was when I was taken into foster care. I was being seperated from my mother, yet I could not cry.

Anonymous said...

1.That their village is on fire. Bright Morning's father thinks it's the spainards.

2.They fill up jars of water from the river. They find a berry bush and eat the berries.

3.I don't think he should have done that incase he missed to Spanaird. Also if he missed then the Spanairds would know where they are hiding.

4.No, I never had a time where I was so sad that I didn't cry.