Monday, March 2, 2009

Chapters 1-4 Discussion

1. Why does Bright Morning not show her emotions? Do you think this would be hard to do?

2. What was the bad experience that Bright Morning had on the day the waters came last year? Would you have been scared? Why?

3. Who is Tall Boy? What do Bright Morning's friends say about him?

4. Why are Tall Boy and the twelve warriors going to the west country?

5. Why are the soldiers called Long Knives? What is their threat to Old Bear?

6. Why does bright Morning react with alarm when she hears her dog bark?

7. What are some similarities/differences between the way that the Navaho lived in the 1860's and how you live today?


Anonymous said...

5. The "Long Knives" are called the Long Knives because on there rifles they have a long knife hanging from the rifle. The Long Knife threatened to Old Bear that if his warriors were on a raid, the long Knives would burn their village down. They would kill all the villagers, even the women and children.

6. Bright Morning reacts to the alarm when her dog barks because Black Dog only barks when there is bad things happening. Bright Morning and Running Bird saw what was coming in the distance and they knew it was trouble since black dog barked.

7. The differences between the Navahos and the way we live today is that the Navahos live in huts or wogans. They also don't have stores, or gas stations. They use horses for transportation and they dress diffrently. The similarties are that they herd sheep and they have dogs to help. They also live in probably the arizona...New Mexico...Nevada...type land, and so do we.

3. Tall Boy is called Tall Boy becuase he was "River Boy" until he shot a bear and brought the skin home. For now on, they call him Tall Boy. Bright Morning's friends say that he wants to marry Bright Morning except that she is skinny. They also say that he wants to marry her because his father told him that Bright Morning's mother had alot of sheep.

Anonymous said...

3.Tall boy is a young warrior and his parents think he should marry bright morning. Bright morning's freinds from what they say they don't like him but im not sure.

4. To raid there rival tribe Utes

5. They are called long knives because there guns have have long bayents. thier threat was to old bear to not raid anymore.

6. her dog doesnt normally bark only when sheep are wandering or something is wrong.

Anonymous said...

3.Tall boy is the leader of their young wariors. Bright Morning's friends say he wants to marry her becuase her father has a alot of sheep.
4.To raid a village.
5.They are called Long Knifes becuase on the end of their guns they have a long knifes. They threaten Old Bear by saying, if he goes on a raid, they will burn down his village with everyone in it.
6. Bright Morning reacts to the alarm when her dog barks because Black Dog only barks when there is bad things happening.

Anonymous said...

1. Bright Morning doesn't show her emotions because if you did it would bring bad luck.
7. Some differences are that now we have electronic and vechiles unlike back then.
2. Bright Morning witnessed a storm when she was doing her work. yes I would have been scared because a storm is coming.
6. Bright Morning reacted when her dog barked because her dog only barks when something bad is about to happen.

Anonymous said...

5. The soldiers were called long knifes because they have beyonets on therir rifles. That they will burn down the village.And kill all of the women and children. If they don't keep the peace
4. To raid a village and for food. They needed certain items.
2. There was a huge storm. Yes I would. I would be afraid of being shocked to deathand i would worry about my sheep to.
7. That now we don't hunt as our only food source. And now we don't have to train horses because we have cars. And we dont have to make our own sports equipment. And we have electricity.

Anonymous said...

5.The long knives are called long knives because they have long knives on their rifles. Their threat to old bear is: he thinks they are going to start a war agaainst the Navaho's.

6.Bright Morning reacts with alarm when Black Dog barks is because he rarely ever barks. so she has something to worry about.

6.Tall boy & the twelve warriors are going to west country to raid and to hunt the buffalo.

1.Bright Morning does not show her feelings becuase she does not want the slavers to know that they had made her sad or upset.