Thursday, April 2, 2009

End of Book Postings

After reading chapters 19-21 and the Postscript you need to respond to the following questions:

1. Describe teh main character. Include 4 to 5 details about his person's personality and character. Focust on what this person is like "on the inside", rather than physical image.

2. What theme or major life lesson is the author trying to get across to the reader? What ahve you learned about life from this book?

3. Select someone to whom you would recommend this book. Write a description of teh book that you would share with that person. Be detailed and specific.


David said...

1. He is brave and strong he has good character. He wont give up. And is a good escape artist. He isnt as strong on the inside as he is on the outside.
2.That we were very mean to the indians. And that it was wrong to treat them like wild animals.
3.My teacher she is part indian that it told how mean we were to indians and that it was wrong.

kyle said...

1. One of the main characters would be Tall Boy because he has been through a lot of stuff. Also because he suvived a gun shot. He is so strong. Tall Boy can do a lot of stuff.
2. He is trying to get across the reader to let people know how it was in 1863-1865 for Native Americans. I have learn that life was not easy for the Native Americans in that time period beacuse they got tooken from there home and were put on this new land to work with when they can't plant any crops or else the Spanairds will burn them and they only get a little bit of flower to eat for each meal.
3. I would recommend this book to someone who likes historical fiction books because this is a really good book also it is very interesting to read especially at the end of the book you don't know what will happen next to There clan.

Lupe said...

1.Bright Morning is a kind-hearted person who is still serious and head strong and is very smart and knows alot about the wilderness.

2.He is trying to tell us about how Native Americans were treated in 1863-1865. I have learn alot about the Navaho Indians in this story.

3.I would recomend this book to someone whos like Historical Fiction or book about the Navaho Indians. This book is about a Navaho girl named Bright morning who gets captured by the spainard slavers and is forced to be a slave. She has an idea to excape, but there are so many spainards it is very hard to. Will she stay there and live as a slave, or will she try to excape and risk it all.

Tristin said...

1.Tall Boy is very brave and couragous. He is a warrior at herat even though he can never be one again because of his arm.
2.What the author is trying to get at is what life of the Navho would be like in that time period
3.I think it's a good book for anybody who likes history, my discription would be its very good read and has some good suspesful parts that would keep you hanging if you had to wait.

Lana said...

1. Bright Morning is the main character. Here are some details about her inside image: she is strong willed, she thinks about others, she considers things very well before she acts, and she does not act on instinct, without thinking and considering first. What I mean by strong willed is that she does not let the Long Knives make her show them her feelings about how she feels about how they have taken her from her one and only home. She is also very kind to others. Here is an example of when she has been kind: when she took care of Little Rainbow for Little Rainbow's Mother, who she did not even know.
2. The theme of this book is to teach us about Native American life. I have learned that life is not always fair or "goody-goody." I have also learned that life is hard sometimes, but sometimes it is good. I have also learned that I am lucky compared to what the author has written of Bright Morning's life in this great book Sing Down the Moon.
3. I would recommend this book, Sing Down The Moon to my freind, Annissa Hutson. This book is about a Native American who's name is Bright Morning. She gets taken from the only home she has ever known, by the Spaniards.