Thursday, April 2, 2009

End of Book Postings

After reading chapters 19-21 and the Postscript you need to respond to the following questions:

1. Describe teh main character. Include 4 to 5 details about his person's personality and character. Focust on what this person is like "on the inside", rather than physical image.

2. What theme or major life lesson is the author trying to get across to the reader? What ahve you learned about life from this book?

3. Select someone to whom you would recommend this book. Write a description of teh book that you would share with that person. Be detailed and specific.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chapters 17-18

1. After the snow storm, what does Bright Morning's clan learn about the other Navahos? How does this make them feel, or how would it make you feel if you were in their situation?

2. Why does Tall Boy return to the clan?

3. Bright Mornings father is optimistic (feels good) about the situation, her mother is pessimistic (feels bad) who do you think is right to feel the way they do? What reasons do you have for this opinion?

4. Who is Meadow Flower?

5. Describe the conditions suffered by the Navahos on the long march to Fort Sumner.

6. If you were Bright Morning, how would you feel about what happens to Meadow Flower?

Chapters 15-16

1. What is the first message from the lookouts? What does Bright Mornings father predict will happen?

2. How does the clan solve the problem of running out of water? When the food supply runs out, what does the clan do?

3. Describe what happened with Tall Boy and the lance. Do you think that he should have done this; give reasons?

4. As the villagers march through the canyon, why are their tears unshed? Have you ever been in a situation where you were sad and could not cry? Tell about it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chapter 13-14

1. How would you describe the Navaho People and their way of life?

2. How would you feel if your country was taken over by powerful outsiders? Does this happen in the world today?

Answer the following questions about "courage" -- a Main Theme in the book:

1. What does courage mean to me? (3-5 sentences)

2. What is an example of courage? From your own life or something you heard about or read about.

3. How do you think Brigth Morning and her people have shown courage so far in the story?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chapters 11 and 12

1. What does Nehana decide they must do? Why does she feel this way?

2. What is Tall Boy's plan for when the Spaniards overtake the group? Is it good? Why or Why not?

3. How is Tall Boy wounded? How do they take care of him?

4. Bright Morning's mother decides that she needs to get back to work and stop cooking for Tall Boy -- is this the right decision?

5. Why is Bright Morning unhappy? Why do other boys visit her hogan?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chapters 7-10

Be prepared to take a vocabulary test over the following words: rafters, leggings, disposition, pigeon-toed, haggle, adobe, omen, velveteen, crowed

This will be a definition matching quiz.

Answer all of the following questions:
  1. 1. What are your impressions of Bright Morning's new home, the Senora, and Rosita?
  2. 2. What are two things that Bright Morning finds comforting her first night there? What are some things that comfort you in strange situations?
  3. 3. Why doesn't Bright Morning smile at the party?
  4. 4. What does Rosita tell Bright Morning about the fiesta in Chapter 9?
  5. 5. Whose appearance at the fiesta causes Bright Morning alarm?
  6. 6. Describe the encounter with the woodcutter. Do you think this will effect their escape?
  7. 7. What do the girls see from the highest part of the ridge?

Friday, March 6, 2009

Chapters 5 and 6

Answer two of the following questions. Then pick three vocabulary words and use them in an original sentence.


1. What do the girls talk about while they ride behind their captors?

2. Why don't the girls run away when they ride free during the night?

3. How does the old lady in the hut outside of town react tot he girls? Do the girls like the old lady?

4. How do think Bright Morning feels at this point in the story? Does she know how to feel? How would you feel?

Vocabulary: hobble (28), scarcely (28), fangs (29), snatched (32), surly (32)